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Combining the pop song form with an improvisatory freedom of expression, five piece ON DIAMOND (feat. members of Jaala, Jazz Party and Grand Salvo) conjure an energetic sound made up of cascading melodies, unfettered effects and an interactive group dynamic. Traces of rock, noise, folk and improvised music can all be found within their approach.

On Diamond’s self-titled debut album was released in 2019, receiving nominations for The Australian Music Prize and Music Victoria Awards’ Best Album, and scoring Album of the Week on 4ZZZ, Triple R and PBS. The LP is a perfect snapshot of their work - a journey into the subconscious expressed in chaos and beauty, with themes of the inner world on strong display.

Lisa Salvo - vocals/songwriter Scott McConnachie - guitar Hannah Cameron - guitar/vocals Maria Moles - drums Jules Pascoe - bass
Alternative Alternative Rock Folk Experimental Pop Art Pop
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