Originally formed in Moscow, Canadian-Ukrainian dreampop duo Ummagma debuted on the music scene in 2012, simultaneously releasing two debut albums. In EPs released sinc then, Ummagma has worked with several genuine music icons, including Dean Garcia (CURVE), Robin Guthrie (Cocteau Twins), 4AD dreampop pioneer A.R.Kane, Malcolm Holmes (OMD), and Graham Bonnar (Swervedriver, BJM). Ummagma won the 2013 Alternative Eurovision on Britain's Amazing Radio (representing Ukraine amongst 23 countries), as well as numerous independent music video awards. They have been featured in Rolling Stone Russia and RS Italia, Clash Magazine, Brooklyn Vegan and many other leading publications. They currently live in Ontario, Canada.
Shauna McLarnon and Alexander Kretov
Cocteau Twins, Stereolab, Pink Floyd
Peterborough, ON, Canada
Indie Rock Electronic Ambient Ethereal Wave Indietronica Indie Pop Dream Pop
Shameless Promotion PR [email protected]