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Psychedelic Porn Crumpets

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets are a four piece from Perth. Here are five song selections from their lead singer and guitarist Jack McEwan, ahead of publication of our extended interview.
[powerkit_row cols_nr=”2″][powerkit_col size=”7″]Deerhunter – Nothing Ever Happened
I think I remember listening to that song on a drive to someone’s farm, this was like a couple of years ago. And it’s got that ending that progressively just builds and builds and builds and it sounds amazing. You know when you’ve just got like a song or an album you can put on and it brings you back to that sort of emotion or that time? I’ve always got the rolling hills and like the trees changing shapes and sizes and that sort of end just building. And it’s always just made me feel amazing. And I’ve never got bored of it, which is kinda hard for a song to sort of do that, but Deerhunter is an amazing band. So simple, but it’s brilliant. It’s nice.
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Tame Impala – Wander
That’s where it all changed I think, hearing that EP for the first time. I think I heard “Half Full Glass Of Wine” like, a friend showed me it at school… and that as well, it’s timeless. It’s such a cool, modernist take on the 60s and just brought back, given new life. It was brilliant. Hearing that for the first time was like, ‘alright, cool, I need to be in a band. Who is this Kevin Parker, how does he do this?’

Unknown Mortal Orchestra – Faded in the Morning
Again, Ruban Nielson, man, he is onto something different. His guitar playing is unreal. He’s just invented something that – I think – I dunno. In his own way, like you look at Hendrix whatever or pioneers on the guitar. It’s really hard in the modern day to sort of invent something new with keeping a sound not biased to like one person. You know what I mean? Like guitar playing is kind of – what’s the word, it’s selfish. It’s like if you’re in a band, everyone sort of wants to hear their own thing or their instrument, but he’s got this talent to go here’s the song, here’s the shape, here’s the colour… it feels like it was released a hundred years ago or something. I dunno, even just through your earphones, it’s like you’re listening on vinyl. He’s a good producer.

Mild High Club – Windowpane
I started listening to them because I think they did Gizzfest with King Gizzard… he’s got this childish sort of approach to music which makes you think back of like a warped sort of young childhood. But I think The Beatles tapped into that really well when they did Magical Mystery Tour, when was that, maybe 60 years ago. Sounds incredible, but yeah they’ve brought new life to that sort of genre and I’m lovin’ it. Can’t wait for them to release a new album, it’s been a while since they’re released anything so looking forward to it.

Morgan Delt – Obstacle Eyes
I think I found all these bands, like Ty Segall, Vinyl Williams, Morgan Delt, a band called Wand. They’re all like this Los Angeles crew doing just amazing psych rock. It’s so different, I hadn’t heard anything like that before. That first album that he released is so wack, it’s like, it’s so – you can’t like it on first listen because you’re like ‘I have no idea what’s going on’. But it takes like 10 listens I think until you’re just like ‘alright, that is brilliant’, and you’re sort of understanding different bits and pieces and tones, different frequencies or whatever he’s listening with. It’s just such a magical landscape he’s built with sound. Like a sonic structure. It’s not like music, I dunno. You sort of have this different feeling when you’re listening to it. So I thought I’d chuck that in and end with that cos it’s just weird as fuck (laughs).