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King Krule – The OOZ

Dan Webb

We just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to sink our teeth into this one. With his second album, King Krule has delivered arguably one of the most captivating and remarkable albums of 2017.

23 year-old English singer-songwriter Archy Ivan Marshall seamlessly blends soft-spoken and raw, emotive vocal melodies with his deep and distinctive baritone. The experimental production features lo-fi jazzy guitar tones and ambient tape effects, which are often accompanied by spectacularly sparse backing instrumentation.

Marshall’s songwriting style is as unique as his voice. Particularly noteworthy is his use of a 6/8 time signature – in no less than five of the tracks, assuming we counted correctly. This isn’t particularly common in a western world music landscape dominated by basic 4/4 sensibilities.

The OOZ offers a wildly unpredictable, 66-minute journey through genres as diverse as punk and bossa nova. Whether by coincidence or design, King Krule takes the listener outside of their comfort zone through his varied approach and delivery.

A thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding experience for any seasoned music fan.